The Evil DM

The Evil DM
The Evil DM

Friday, November 28, 2014

How Many Bodies Can You Stack in a Bedroom?

How many bodies can you stack into an eleven by fifteen foot room? In a scene reminiscent of the ending of a Few Dollars More, the party stacks the dead bodies resulting from last week’s adventure into a bedroom. They end up stacking the bodies four deep on the bed and floor. How long until a dead body smells? A lot depends on the temperature. The odor of the bodies could attract attention or some sort of carrion eater.

After stacking the bodies, the party returned down the stairs. They heard someone in authority dressing down a group of soldiers through the large window. The party opened the window. Melee began. The party managed to kill several more. One creature, managed to escape. What will the party do next?

Based on the graphic found here.

I have to give credit for the idea to this.

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